Hema Here!
Give me a biggg Hi 5 !
If you are thinking about something physical Here....
Hi Friend, I would say You have got a very good imagination and need a holiday!
Remember... We are in CSA Preparation Blog...
No Time to even Stand and Stare!
I am going to Tell you What Happened in my Surgery recently...Aware of confidentiality :-)
One of my patients recently told me that he would kiss me if allowed (hope not :-) when he came for a medication review.
He was totally elated...
It had taken the HUGE burden off his heart.
He would be dreading about cancer for weeks before he got to see the surgeons.
Now he can enjoy the fantastic sunshine!
Temperature is 26- 27 degrees this weekend!
Just finished some gardening. Clematis blossoms are sooo beautiful...
All that EXTRA effort is very rewarding, Isn't it?
NOW Seriously,
I am not talking about THAT kind of KISS....
Yes, You might be shouting now -
''Hema, I know all about it- It is - KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID''.
Hooray!!! You are right!
YOU are very Smart! (Big Hi 5 again!)
I would say - Keep It Simple Smart!
It is ALL about keeping our Explanations bit Simple.
During our Practice, one of my friends called Chaitra always used to tell me - 'LESS IS MORE'.
You know me by now, right?
That is very DIFFICULT for me. (You can see from my blog).
I would try to Make my Poor Patients 'EXPERT' about their Problems.
That too in TEN minutes.
How annoying it would be!
That is not at all necessary.
The Secret Keys are to....
1. Ask what they KNOW already?
(Our programme director told us about asking a patient if she knew about virus. She replied back that she was a VIROLOGIST!) Is the spelling correct?
2. What they WANT to know?
When I started GP post,
I was explaining all about NSAIDS for OA but the patient simply wanted to try Physio!!!
(How silly me!)
3. How MUCH they want/need to know?
I always struggle here-
Just need to Ask them to make it Easier.
Tailor the explanation according to the patients' individual needs.
That brings in the importance of finding out their ideas, concerns and expectations!
Now I remember seeing a great Secret on my HSBC relationship officer's mouse pad.
I am sharing it just with you....It is our little secret! :-)
That Secret MANTRA is...
If it works for them, Definitely, IT will work for us too.
I am sure it will save lots and lots of time, energy, etc, etc.( feel free to add whatever suits you).

The Best Thing we can do for ourselves is to Keep it Simple.
Keep it to the bare minimum to start with.
The important thing is to consistently practise them.
So it becomes our HABIT!
Consistent Practice makes Actions into Habits!
We will certainly look and feel more confident! Wowww!
Good luck with your practice!
To Your Success,
Hema xoxo.
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