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This BLOG is FREE!... YES... FREE!... It is Especially for the Smart GP Registrars,... Who Feel Like the 'Little NEMO' Lost within the Deep Blue Ocean...... To Support Each Other and Be Creative... Above All, TO BE SUCCESSFUL in CSA... Woo-Hoo!.... In short.... FOR THE GP REGISTRARS --- BY THE GP REGISTRARS...... I'm HEMA -- In short, I am a Doctor, Jewellery Designer, Blogger --> All by Passion... (Founder of www.royalamore.com - For Fashion With A Mission).. I have grabbed every opportunity to make mistakes in this Blog! I warn you! I am not a Grammar Guru!... ALL THE ARTICLES ARE FREE... YES, FREE...You can Use it... Fax it... Print it... Share it... The Choice is Endless:-)... This Blog is NOT for Gossiping... Whingeing... or Complaining... As They Put Your Precious Creative Attention on the Problem..... Above All...If You Are Struggling Alone and Need Some Extra Support for Your Exam Preparation... Please Email Me... I Will Certainly Try My Best to Help You... I Mean It Truly From My Heart!... To Your Success :-) Hema xoxo.

Sunday, 27 May 2012


Hellooo Friend!!!

Hema Here!

Give me a biggg Hi 5 !


If you are thinking about something physical Here....
Hi Friend, I would say You have got a very good imagination and need a holiday!

Remember... We are in CSA Preparation Blog...

No Time to even Stand and Stare!

I am going to Tell you What Happened in my Surgery recently...Aware of confidentiality :-)

One of my patients recently told me that he would kiss me if allowed (hope not :-) when he came for a medication review.
As I took time to get the histology report from our hospital ICE page and told him the biopsy tissue was a harmless thing, NOT Cancer!

He was totally elated...
It had taken the HUGE burden off his heart.

He would be dreading about cancer for weeks before he got to see the surgeons.

Now he can enjoy the fantastic sunshine!
Temperature is 26- 27 degrees  this weekend!

Just finished some gardening. Clematis blossoms are sooo beautiful...

All that EXTRA effort is very rewarding, Isn't it? 

NOW Seriously,
I am not talking about THAT kind of KISS....
Yes, You might be shouting now -

''Hema, I know all about it-  It is - KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID''.
Hooray!!!  You are right!

YOU are very Smart! (Big Hi 5 again!)

I would say - Keep It Simple Smart!

It is ALL about keeping our Explanations bit Simple.
During our Practice, one of my friends called Chaitra always used to tell me - 'LESS IS MORE'.

You know me by now, right?
That is very DIFFICULT for me. (You can see from my blog).
I would try to Make my Poor Patients 'EXPERT' about their Problems.
That too in TEN minutes.
How annoying it would be!

That is not at all necessary.

The Secret Keys are to....

1. Ask what they KNOW already?

(Our programme director told us about asking a patient if she knew about virus. She replied back that she was a VIROLOGIST!) Is the spelling correct?

2. What they WANT to know?

When I started GP post,

I was explaining all about NSAIDS for OA but the patient simply wanted to try Physio!!!

(How silly me!)

3. How MUCH they want/need to know?

I always struggle here-
Just need to Ask them to make it Easier.
Tailor the explanation according to the patients' individual needs.

That brings in the importance of finding out their ideas, concerns and expectations!
Now I remember seeing a great Secret on my HSBC relationship officer's mouse pad.
I am sharing it just with you....It is our little secret! :-)
That Secret MANTRA is...

If it works for them, Definitely, IT will work for us too.
I am sure it will save lots and lots of time, energy, etc, etc.( feel free to add whatever suits you).

The Best Thing we can do for ourselves is to Keep it Simple.

Keep it to the bare minimum to start with.

The important thing is to consistently practise them.
So it becomes our HABIT!  
Consistent Practice makes Actions into Habits!
We will certainly look and feel more confident! Wowww!
Good luck with your practice!

To Your Success,

Hema xoxo.


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Saturday, 26 May 2012


Hellooo Friend!!!

Hema Here!

Give me a Biggg Hi5!

Are you really ready for the 'CHANGE'?

Let me ask you something...

Have you heard the expression ?

''If you do what you've always done, you will get what you've always got?

If You have been Waiting for a Change,

But Not Doing Anything Different or Applying New Habits,

Then Might be....

Why You are Getting What You have Always Got.

''We must all suffer from one of Two Pains:

The Pain of Discipline or the Pain of Regret.

The difference is discipline weighs ounces while regret weighs tons''

- Jim Rohn.

Here is a chance to do it differently, to learn how to do it

better and to BECOME someone who is SUCCESSFUL.

This is the right time - CSA time.

The Choice is Yours!

Choice is YOURS...

Start working in the Right direction as Early as Possible in your GP career.

Find out What is Wrong...

Feel Free to Pester your Colleagues, Trainers, Programme Directors to learn the Right Way.

Ask them to Show/Roleplay if you are not sure.

Have lots and lots of practice, video sessions, shared surgery... list is limitless.

Find a way/words you are comfortable with!

Make a TO DO List.

Think about your Attitude! your Mindset!

They Play a Strong Part in Your Success.

Don't be Alone.

Form a Practice Group, the Smart Group :-)

Learn from Each Other.

Be Your Own Worst Critic!

Be the CHANGE you want to SEE.

Keep interacting!

To Your Success,

Hema xoxo.


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Hellooo Friend!

Hema Here!

Give me a Big Hi 5!


If you are reading this blog, I am sure that you really, really want to take a BIG leap in improving your learning pattern to meet your individual needs.

Most People in life are 'Say-ers'.

But, You have proved yourself to be a 'Do-er'.

That is Rare!

You should be Proud!

Start Planning for CSA as Early as Possible.

Sooner is Better!

Domains of Learning Needs-

In simple terms, they fall into Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes!

KSA  for our  CSA!    


Knowledge is Easy - Peasy.

Remember, we have already passed our AKT :-)

What about the Skills?

To whom I am talking with? 

You are the Best with your Practical Skills!

But in CSA mode???

It is ENTIRELY different!

This is going to be your Best Friend!

Our Super friend - Skill has three magical wands to help us!

1. Cognitive wand

To think about what we are Doing.

2. Fixative wand -

To get it right by mere Practice.

3. Autonomous wand -

To go on Auto-Pilot mode. Wowww!

Intention becomes Action- Action becomes Habit.

Next comes the Attitude!

What do you think about it?

Is it easy to upgrade IT ?

(I wish Steve Jobs had an App for it)


I think....

Attitude is the trickiest bit to get it right!

This should come from Within.

It Explores Values, Honesty, Safety of Patients and Attitudes.

Be brave in CSA in similar scenarios to stand for your beliefs.

Like unrealistic expectations, sick note demands, under -performing colleague,etc. 

Try to explain WITH the Genuine reasons.
Finally think about our Facade and Blind spots!

( I am not talking about driving lessons here)

Facade -  what we know that we do not know (Easy bit!).

Blind spot -  what others know that we do not know(Scary!).

In addition to exploring our lovely Patients' Ideas, Concerns and Expectations,

Now - we are going to explore our OWN Facade and Blind spots!

Once you know, WHAT You Want, 

Everything is Easy- Peasy!!   Lemon- Squeezy!! 

Just Go and Get them!

Wowww!! Give me a Bigggg Hi5 again!!!!

eep interacting!

To Your Success,

Hema xoxo.


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Go Ahead, It's FREE - Share it!


Hellooo Friend!!!

Hema Here!
Give me a Hi 5 now!!!
Here again, Dr Kashif Bhatti is sharing his thoughts about the CSA preparation specially for you all :-)
He is one of the TOPPERS in our Beautiful Great Yorkshire Deanery in the February 2012 CSA Batch.
Handed over to Kash...Kash..Kash...
The IMG Conundrum???
We all know the pass marks of local graduates versus International Medical Graduates –

But is this an over-simplification?
Whatever the politics of disseminating these figures to GP trainees ONCE they enter training, the fact remains that the high failure rate (in comparison to local graduates) is a massive Negative barrier to SUCCESS.
Yet, IMGs do pass, and Locals do fail.
There are no analytical statistics on these candidates.
A more interesting question is what is the pass-mark of candidates, graduated from the UK, post FY1-2 only, versus doctors from previous specialty backgrounds, regardless of country of graduation or employment.
I postulate, until the RCGP tells me otherwise (updates soon!), that the former have a higher pass mark than the latter.  
Do you think an IMG, long-in-the-tooth, has less experience or wisdom than a fresh-out-of-FY2-local candidate?

My inference of the situation is that IMGs are good consulters/communicators.
After all, the RCGP tells us it is not about usage of English that fails IMG – but are going about it in the wrong way versus lesser-experienced local graduates.
From personal experience, I feel no difference in what I can achieve in 10 minutes between my new-into-ST3 consultation style versus my optimal-for-the-CSA-and-forever consultation style.
The difference is HOW I gather the information and communicate with my patient. 

Yes, some IMGs are not up to scratch, from a doctor point - of- view, but so are some local graduates.

This is common sense - different specialties require different information and how to acquire this.
The same is in General Practice.

So what does this mean for IMGs?
We should remember firstly that statistics are only that – numbers on a page.
The high failure rate to me suggests lack of adaptation – little else.
This is fundamentally positive news for any IMG!
You CAN pass, You ARE good enough!
You possess ALL the tools anyone else has.
You just do not know how to CHANNEL this.

Let go of your reservations and watch videos of good consulters versus your own!

It is NOT YOU that needs adaptation;
IT is your Behaviour! 
Watch your Behaviour!

Become Positive and Interested.
Show Empathy and Place yourself in your Patient’s Shoes.
The medicine will come through.
You have so much more experience than the local graduates in this regard.

Be Positive, Smile, Enjoy!
Dr Kashif Bhatti.

Now, It's Meeee...

Wowww Kash!!  What a thought provoking article!

Thank You, Kash.

Keep interacting!

You are not alone!....

To Your Success,

Hema xoxo.


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Hellooo Friend!!!!

Hema Here!
Give me a Hi 5 first!

I am delighted!!!

I have got a Guest Blogger for You Today!

This blog was written specially for you all by Dr Kashif Bhatti, my great friend, wonderful colleague, fellow trainee who supported us during our CSA preparation.

He is one of the TOPPERS in February 2012 Batch from DWP GP programme.

He is writing about how he feels about CSA preparation.
Handed over to Kash...Kash...Kash...


The CSA examination has a daunting reputation.

It has a perceived unacceptably high failure rate for International Medical Graduates.

We are constantly and consistently informed that 'white females are virtually guaranteed to pass with just showing up on the day'.

It is nearly £1500, which works out to be nearly £10 a minute!

The exam is every few months, so failure is not only costly, it is lengthy too.

In some deaneries, trainees whom pass separate from those who fail, increasing the negative aura of failure.

Finally, we consult for 18 months in General Practice!

How can we fail on the working basic communication we practise everyday?????

Are YOU still searching?????

All of these put up an artificial barrier that we have to climb before we even begin getting to grips with passing the exam.

For some, this becomes insurmountable and they spiral into negativity and repeat failure.

The Key to passing the CSA is POSITIVITY!

We learn much better when we want to learn about something rather than when we are made to learn.

Think about Yourself. 

You will realise you remember what interests you more than what you have to know and which means less to you.

The CSA exam will be the most interesting surgery of your life!

You will have 13 Unique Patients! 

You will never have to worry about their previous health or the future follow up. 

There will be no one with run - of - the - mill problems.

No clinic full of URTI/Stress/Depression/Cough.

(Feel free to add whatever heart - sink situation of your choice!)


For £10 a minute, Enjoy each Moment.

Think of it as a Amusement Park Ride!  Woo-hoo!

You are privileged to have this experience.

You are going to meet the 13 most important people of your career.

Be Interested, Be Inquisitive, Be Positive.

With Positivity will come Interest.

With Interest will come Ease and Relaxation.

With that your natural abilities that made you a DOCTOR will come through.

Your consultation will become natural and flexible rather than forced and pedantically structured.

Trick for you all!! Try it!!

This is the difference between the stressed and panicky IMG who cannot comprehend where their technically sound consultations are going wrong versus the vigilant but ultimately quietly confident local graduate who subconsciously is Positive.

Be Positive, Smile, Enjoy!

Dr Kashif Bhatti.


It's Meeee...

Wowww Kash!! What a Wonderful Article!

Thank You, Kash.

Keep Interacting!

You are not alone!..

Be the first to receive the FREE life changing updates, Tips from Toppers and to be Successful Registrars!

To Your Success,

Hema xoxo.


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Tuesday, 22 May 2012


Helloooo Friend!!!

Hema Here!
Give me a Biggg Hi 5!
This Blog may sound a bit like Counselling..

But I Believe Psychology places a Vital Role in passing CSA.

A lion(ess) cannot hunt while licking on its wounds!
Recently, I realised that I have been hoarding lots and lots of unnecessary things, both physically and psychologically, in my house and in my mind.
I am sure you might have realised at some point in your life like that.
These Clutters are Energy-Draining,

Holding us back and not allowing us to Grow and Shine.


You get One Chance. One life. Make it Matter.

Make it work for you in precisely the way that you envision NOW, not later.

This is important to realise while preparing for CSA.

It is the right time to de-clutter the unwanted baggages and feel free and light not only physically but also in mind.
Think about the clutters such as:
1. Physical stuffs - dresses that donot fit anymore, unread books, etc.
2. Virtual stuffs -  fear, unnecessary anger, parasitic relationships, one way friendships, self destructing jealousy, anger, greed etc.


How free and light You Feel if we unclutter those unnecessary loads?

Consciously Choose What You Want to Have :-)

According to the Law of Mother Nature,

The Emptiness will be filled with Peace and Inner Strength.
It is very important to feel the Inner Peace while working on something Important like CSA.
Have an ideal, blissful environment to prepare  for the big exam.
Let your family and friends know about this important factor.

Have a ' DO NOT DISTURB ' sign. (No Kidding Here).
Enjoy the Zen like Feeling and Kick Start your Preparation for CSA...
and GUESS what? 

SUCCESS will be YOURS Always :-) Hoorayyy!

Wowww!! Give me a Bigggg Hi5 again!!!!

You are not alone!

Be the first to receive the FREE life changing updates, Tips from Toppers, CSA Examiners and to be a Successful Registrar!

To Your Success,
Hema xoxo.


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Hellooo Friend!!!

Hema Here!

Give me a biggg Hi5!

Welcome to the TOP 10 TIPS for SUCCESS in CSA :-)

I am writing this Free Blog as I wanted to share with You...

The Secret Tips what the Toppers followed to Pass the CSA...

Believe me,

It's Easy... Yes..... We CAN Do It.....



1. Do exactly WHAT you do in your normal surgery!
This is our programme director- Dr Adam's favourite mantra!


2. Take care of Simulators as you Do with your Patients!
Just talk to them as you talk with your Family/Friends...

See how easy it is to explain in non jargon way!


3. Be natural when empathising!

Use words, phrases that are Comfortable for you...
Don't forget the vital role of tone and body language.


4. Listen.. Listen...ACTIVELY Listen.

No kidding here...It is the most important KEY that leads to the Gold Information Treasure....


5. Have a Patient Centred /Led Consultation.
As it is the heart of our General Practice....Honestly....


6. Be courageous to say your valid views with reasons,   when facing unrealistic expectations...


7. Practise..Practise...Practise.
All the Difficult cases with your Colleagues, Trainers, Programme Directors....
Feel free to Make Them DO as well :-)


8. Do lots and lots of video sessions.
Come on friends, its BARBECUE time - Grill yourselves.


9. Make use of the valuable stuffs in websites

Like bradfordvts, penninevts, etc,etc... 







10. Time yourselves when practising.   (Stop watch please).
Be a Merciless Monster when giving the feedback.
Better to make mistakes here than in Croydon!
PARTY TIME!!!!!!!!

My Extra Bonus Tip :-)
Celebrate Even the Smallest Success to Keep Up Your Confidence Level High Up!!!

You might have noticed that I have not mentioned anything about the knowledge base.

Thats simply because YOU all have passed your AKT with flying colours already and ready to shine ;-)

Wowww!! Give me a Bigggg Hi5 again!
You are not alone!
Be the first to receive the FREE life changing updates, Tips from Toppers and to be Successful Registrars!

To Your Success,

Hema xoxo.


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Helloooo  Friend!

Hema Here!

Give me a Biggg Hi5!
'''''CSA EXAM''''''     

Sounds scary.. isn't it?

Yes, I was in the same boat like you ALL...

I Started to panic when I thought about the CSA..

1500 Pounds... Weekends spent in just practising...

Being like zombies...Missing family and friends....

Trying to regain our confidence...Crying...(not really)

Cursing me 'why on earth, I took this medical career?'...

Having nightmares explaining the endless jargon free medical informations...etc ..etc..

One of my Colleagues told me that he saw fairies flying and demanding HRT.

Mine is the worst- 

Really BAD guys haunting and demanding Diazepam and Sick notes :-(

Felt like a 'little NEMO' lost in the Deep, Blue, Ocean...

But BELIEVE me..

It is not that tough exam..(honestly)

Infact, whoever passed told us that it was REALLY A FAIR exam looking for smart GPs who know their strength, power, knowledge, last but not the least, acknowledge their limitations.

Thats why I started this Blog to share our Tips, Resources and Informations with you, 'THE SMARTEST GROUP - THE GP REGISTRARS', who are burning your midnight oil to pass the CSA with flying colours.





                                YOU ARE NOT ALONE.

Now back to our CSA,

The most difficult bit is to forget that it is an EXAM and to carry on as we fantastically run our day to day SURGERY.

YES, YES, YES.... Thats what the CSA exam is all about!!  NOTHING MORE OR LESS...

First thing is to have a CLARITY - This is where we start.
This is your Foundation.

You will learn a whole new way to think about you and your exam preparation.

You will learn how to look at everything you do with new eyes for efficiency and effectiveness.
Here, I am going to share my humble experience, notes,

VALUABLE tips from the Toppers, CSA Examiners, 

Curry Recipes....

( No, just kidding.

OK! OK!  You are not dozing off :-)

Our RCGP President and Chair have kindly agreed to offer their advice. Articles are coming SOON!!

I have grabbed every opportunity to make mistakes in this blog. Nevermind my Grammatical Mistakes!
I am not a Grammar Guru! (Is the spelling right here?)
We all share our own small sweet thoughts.. Thats all...
Your results will drastically increase.

You will shave months of research, reading, courses, workshops - by participating together and working SMART, the Smart Group

YOU are welcome to chip in your thoughts...

Those who have passed please join in to support our junior colleagues in their ordeal.
You can email me, drop in your comments, share your thoughts, successes, joys, concerns, doubts,etc,etc.

List is endless..

Hi Friend, You're ready.

I promise you.

And I can't wait to meet you!
Lets Start Our Journey Towards Success...

Start Preparing Now - Sooner is Better!

Wowww!! Give me a Bigggg Hi5 again!!!!

Keep interacting!

You are not alone!

Be the first to receive the FREE life changing updates, Tips from Toppers and to be a Successful Registrar!

To Your Success,
Hema xoxo.


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